Recollections of an RB-29 crew in Japan
Paul’s and Kim’s story
While Navigator, Fred Brackbill contemplated bringing his family to Japan, Radar Operator, Paul Jackson was developing yet another strategy. Paul had found the love of his life in a talented and beautiful Japanese girl, named Kimiko. Their feelings for each other were mutual, and they agreed that Paul would return to the U.S. and begin the process of arranging for their marriage and return to the “States” as a couple.
Upon the crew’s arrival in the U.S., Paul began identifying and acting on the procedures and paperwork required to make it all happen. In a matter of a few months, he returned to Japan as he and Kim continued their efforts to comply with the administrative processes for them to wed.
Their efforts were successful and their marriage ceremony was performed in Japan with their trip back to the U.S., as a couple, soon to follow. They have lived happy and productive lives together, while Paul completed his flying career in the USAF and later pursued his interests as an artist/designer. There are additional photos of Paul and Kim, taken at a mini-reunion with the Cliver and Stone families in the mid-1980s. You will find them in the Reunion 2000 section of this web site.
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