Autobiographical notes
on the lives of
Don and Dorette “Dur” Kleinkauf
A Winning Combination

Attachment #1 to the Kleinkauf Story

Postpolio Syndrome
A Study relating to
Geriatric Physical Therapy
by Mike Arenson

Part II

List of References

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(5) (Bartfield H. Recognizing post-polio syndrome. Hospital Practice (Office Edition). 1996;31:101-103.

(6) Trojan DA, Cashman NR, Shapiro S. Predictive Factors for Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 1994;75:770-777.

(7) Halstead L. Assessment and Differential Diagnosis for Post-Polio syndrome. Orthopedics. 1991;14:1209-1217.

(8) Trojan DA, Gendron D., Cashman NR. Electrophysiology and Electrodiagnosis of the Post-Polio Motor Unit. Orthopedics. 1991;14:1353-1361.

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(11) Agre JC. Rationale for Treatment of New Fatigue. Disability and Rehab. 1996; 18:307-310.

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(13) Perry J, Barnes G, Gronley J. The Postpolio Syndrome: An Overuse Phenomenon. Clin Orthopedics. 1988;233:145-162.

(14) Stanghelle JK, Festvag LV. Postpolio Syndrome: a 5 Year Follow-up. Spinal Cord. 1977;35:503-508.

(15) Lewis CB, Bottomley JM. Geriatric Physical Therapy A Clinical Approach. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lang; 1994:69-111.

(16) McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL. Exercise Physiology Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance. 4th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1996:637-645.

(17) Agre JC. The Role of Exercise in the Patient with Post-Polio Syndrome. Ann of NY Acad Sci. 1995;753:321-334.

(18) Agre JC, Rodriguez AA. Recovery Time After Exhausting Muscular Exercise in Postpolio and Control Subjects. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 1991;72:778.

(19) Kilfoil MR, Pierre DM. Reliability of Cybex II Isokinetic Evaluations of Torque in Post-Polio Syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 1993;74:730-734.

(20) Ernstoff B, et al. Endurance Training Effect on Individuals with Postpoliomyelitis. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 1996;77:843-848.

(21) Peach PE, Olejnik S. Effect of Treatment and Noncompliance on Post Polio Sequelae. Orthopedics. 1991;14:1199-1203.

(22) Agre JC, Rodriguez AA. Intermittent Isometric Activity: its Effect on Muscle Fatigue in Pospolio Subjects. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 1991; 72:971-975.

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Chapter 1, Part I Chapter 1, Part II

Chapter 2, Part I Chapter 2 Part II

Chapter 3Atch. # 1

Other Biographical Notes Listings
