to the

Relating to
The Wayland Mayo Story


It gives me great pleasure to share with you this set of biographical recollections by Wayland Mayo. Wayland’s name began to appear early on after I chose to move the scope of my RB-29 memorial web site beyond the experiences of my own reconnaissance crew. He is one of that 31st, soon to become the 91st SRS, members that were quickly brought into combat service at the outset of the Korean War. It was obviously true for Wayland, as it was true for so many of his fellow airmen, the time invested in training for and actual participation in mapping, charting and information gathering services within a USAF reconnaissance aircraft organization developed skills and provided experiences that would influence and shape the paths they would pursue over a lifetime.

I invite you to enjoy Wayland Mayo’s contribution
to our collection of Biographical Notes.

Chuck Stone, Web Site Mgr.

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