The Philip Alexander
Air, Sea, Land &
Fantasy Art Exhibit

Fantasy — Page 17

News from
Fantasy Internetworks

In late summer of 2003 the news media was agog learning that Soviet-made MiGs had been found buried in the Iraqi Deserts. You may review a condensation of those news reports, posted on this web site by clicking here with a quick return with your back button. As this remarkable news peaked in the media, it was coincidental that the “Ghost Squadron”, a collection of USAAF WW II and USAF Korean War Fighter pilots, were gathered for their annual reunion. The issue of the MiGs in the Sand became a major point of discussion with their conclusion that there must be more — somewhere — out there!

This group of patriots concluded that they would take on an organizational mission to discover the location of any additional Iraqi MiGs that may remain as a threat to the wider world. They formed into four groups. 1) Group one would search the Arctic Environs. 2) Group two would search the Seas. 3) Group three would search the Arid Deserts of the world. 4) Group four, made up of the less mobile of the aging fighter pilots, agreed to set up a communications center to receive and disperse information within their organization, our National Security Agencies, and the general public.

After extensive efforts, Fantasy Internetworks takes great pleasure in announcing that their missions was a major success. MiGs were found; and, as was true for The MiGs in the Sand, none were actually in the cocked position, ready for immediate launch. Yet, important questions have been raised and their study has been turned over to a combined committee of intellectuals with expertise in the fields of World History, Archaeology, Geography, Religion and Psychology. In their efforts to document these findings, the Ghost Squadron commissioned technical artist Dr. Phil Alexander to render an appropriate view of each of their findings. Web site visitors are encouraged to develop their own theories as to the short and long range impact this information may have relating to World Order and Peace on Earth.

Below you will find the three final compositions rendered by Philip Alexander.

Iraqi MiG In The Snow

Iraqi MiG in the Sea

Found in a Far Desert, MiGHenge

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All artwork is (C) 1997-2008 Phillip Alexander, all Worldwide Rights Reserved