Biographical Notes re
The Bill Sutton Story

Page 6 of 6 pages

A .44 Cal. Black Powder “Kentucky” Flint Lock Pistol

Bill received this kit partially assembled, unfinished. Many screws were stripped, parts missing, ramrod broken and the wood was not properly “hogged” out and the barrel would not fit. The barrel was rusted and had no sights. The hammer would not cock to the firing position. What a job!

The finished product now has a hand carved stock with a mahogany finish. The barrel is a white metal “bore steel,” with a soft satin finish. The lock & hammer is case colored and the furniture is polished brass.

Three more carved walking sticks.
How could anyone fail to go out hiking for exercise if
you could call one of these your own.

A memorial to “Lady”

A bit of Indian magic!

Bill, we extend our sincere thanks to you, and to Barbara, for choosing to share with us your life experiences and the artistry that has been so much a part of your lives and loves over the years.
You are a wonderful couple.

Thanks from all of your Recce Friends

End of Story

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