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Recollections of an RB-29 crew in Japan

Related Mission Stories

The “Yoke” reconnaissance mission, referred to in the previous section, was a more typical milk-run, information gathering and data file confirmation process. There were those related unique missions that were especially suited for and assigned to the RB-45s and the RB-50s. And, there were those occasional niche missions that were within the operational capabilities of the RB-29s.

The next two sections provide some insight into how clandestine penetration missions, weather and emergency situations could impact a crew flying the RB-29.

During our complete tour with the 91st SRS, I can recall only one occasion when we had the slightest sign of friendly fighter protection availability. You see it here on the right.

During a mapping mission over South Korea an F-86 checked in to say hello. A welcome, but very rare sight for an RB-29 classified reconnaissance crew.


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