Welcome to some stories and images from the archives of an RB-29 Combat Crew, flying with the 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron out of Yokota Air Base, near Tokyo, Japan in 1953 and 1954.
Your tour guide for this adventure is Chuck Stone, Aircraft Commander for the RB-29 crew described in this presentation.
The image of Mount Fuji, Japan, is a sight that evokes a variety of thoughts in the minds of people around the world. If the viewing platform is from the cockpit of a B-29, more specific memories of WW-II, the Korean War or the Cold War, may well come to mind for many. In these overlapping eras of world history, the B-29, her air and ground crews, and the people and landscape of Japan, are forever linked, in one way or another.
This web site is a memorial in appreciation to all people who have voluntarily and involuntarily played their individual roles in the creation of these chapters of history. Within related history archives, there are uncounted numbers of small stories that are interlaced with the realities of individuals and groups, caught up in the processes of making peace and war as circumstances dictated at that particular time in their lives.
This presentation offers words and images that reflect elements from the lives of twelve RB-29 aircrewmen whose task it was to fly classified reconnaissance missions out of Yokota Air Base, located west northwest of Tokyo, Japan during the early stages of the Cold War from the fall of 1953 to the summer of 1954.
This RB-29 crew story is not one of mystery and heroism. Some of the details related to previously classified elements of the story are covered in public documents published through the Freedom of Information Act, with selected resources referenced in this presentation. Our story strives to describe what it was like for twelve young men to come together, learn to work together as a team, depending upon each other for professional success and survival, mutual respect and friendship, and fulfillment of an instinctive desire to be of service as we experienced a unique adventure in the wider world.
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