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Soviet MiG-15s

Section # 9

Contributed Contemporary
Commentary Relating to
Current Events

U.S. B-29s

Soviet Tu-95,

Editor's Introduction

There is a constant flow of commentary moving throughout the Internet on a daily basis. E-mail users are constantly sorting, forwarding, saving and trashing these materials on a continuing basis. I am reluctant to forward and often trash much of this type of incoming traffic. Yet, there are times when one comes along and you are struck by the meaningful presentation, often from the heart and/or personal experiences of the author. Many of these are degraded by repeated retransmission that makes them hard to read.

There have been cases where I was sufficiently impressed that I felt the need to share an item that seemed meaningful and pertinent to our daily lives. These have been posted on our web site where visitors may review the subject titles and choose to view or not to view any of these items. They are offered here for your consideration.

The latest entries are added
to the end of the list.

Soviet FireFox

U.S. RF-4C

U.S. P-61
Black Widows

Soviet Tu-95

Our Listing

* The story of the U.S. Navy EP-3 surveillance aircraft and the Chinese jet fighter

* A Memorial Letter to Anne Morrow Lindbergh

* Larry Tart’s New Book “The Price of Vigilance”

* VETERANS: REFLECTIONS — Richard Y. Newton, Jr., Colonel, USAF (Ret)

* MILITARY HISTORY PERSPECTIVE ON THIS MOMENT, By Dr. Tony Kern, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret), Former Director of Military History, USAF Academy

* “Good News in Bad Times” The story of a Delta Airlines crew and passengers who found themselves over the North Atlantic on September 11, 2001.

* Article from Britain: A story about the U.S and the wider world on the first anniversary of the 9/11/01 Terrorist Attack.

* “USAF — Pride, Commitment, and Dedication” — A remarkable photograph and companion story from a Buff (B-52) Pilot who served over Afghanastan.

* Guidelines in Dealing with Identity Theft

* “A Soldier's Viewpoint on Surviving Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Attacks” by SFC Red Thomas (Ret) Armor Master Gunner Mesa, AZ

* Ladies' Night Over Afghanistan by Capt Elizabeth Ortiz

* An open letter to America from one European —Americans kept Europeans free to disagree — From: James Black, Wychwood Park, Cheshire, England

* A Letter to Terrorists from a U.S. Military Pilot

* War Viewpoints

* The Snooze Button from Bob Linn

* A Tribute to 1st Lt. Thomas Joseph Hallgarth
By: Tammy Josephine Maher

* A MOTHER'S VIEW from Mary E. Morosetti

* Justice — The Ruling by Judge William Young
re The “Shoe Bomber” Richard Reid

* Words from a Friend about Attitude

* A Homecoming Memorial

* Real Hollywood Heroes

* News from Iraq — The Truth perhaps, for a change?

* In Honor of Bob Hope

* Perspective

* Veterans

* Celebrating the Concord

* The Meaning Behind the
U.S. One Dollar Bill

* Message from Iraq

* The MiG Dig

* Meaningful Images From Iraq

* Thunderbird Ejection

* Going First Class in Brunei

* An Amazing A-6 Intruder Story

* Baghdad Rag Notes

* The Passing of a Naval Giant
Adm. Moorer's Last Warning

* Searching for the 91st Recon Squadron?

* Thunderbirds — Close Call

* The Angel Decoy

* The Eagle Chopper
Keep Him Walking

* A Veterans Take by
Guest Editor, Curtis Hendel

Honorable American
Flag Retirement

Soviet MiG-31

U.S. B-52s

Soviet MiG-15s

Soviet Recon Duo

U.S. B-47s

U.S. B-36

Soviet Tu-16, Badger

U.S. B-52

U.S. U-2

Soviet Tu-95, Bear

U.S. SR-71,

U.S. B-29s

U.S. RB-50

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