Editor's Notes Continued:
If you would like to learn more about the country of Brunei, click here for an initial offering.
The dilemma that comes to my mind from reviewing this information is not new. As far back in the history of the world that I have come to know, this has been an ongoing set of circumstances facing humankind. My beloved country, the good old US of A, with all its blessings, gifts and opportunities, is not immune to this kind of behavior. If you don't believe it, take another look and listen to the daily news. If our way of life, which we call Democracy in Action, is to be admired and emulated around the world, there is reason to believe that many of the power brokers that lay their hands on the mechanisms that guide our ship of state, need to review and adjust their priorities and goals for the good of the wider society they draw their sustenance from.
Have a good day!