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Authoring this web site, I have found many new friends, including fellow veterans, who have impressed me in a variety of positive ways. One of these is Curtis Hendel, a retired, disabled, veteran who has demonstrated remarkable abilities to translate current events into a very readable, informative, insiteful, non-partisan text that promotes constructive and positive analysis on the part of the reader. Until further notice, I have offered Curtis his own page on this web site that, on occasion, he may share his words with our web site visitors. |
Before we move on to the Table of Contents for his series of editorial commentary, I want to share this news with you. As of January 2006, Curtis has published a remarkable book entitled “One Hundred Years of Heros: The Conflicts and Stories of the Twentieth Century”. This major historical work, consisting of 367 pages of well- organized and well-presented history, makes it a perfect book to flesh out my own reference library. I suggest you check it out to see if it may fit your own interests. |
If you find reason to communicte directly with Curt, his E-mail address is Curtis Hendel <beaudawg245@hotmail.com>
Chuck Stone, Web Site Mgr. Table of Contents Curt's Editorial Notes are listed below, with the most current A Siberian Experience - 4/5/05 The Politics of War and Peace - 3/20/05 A Thank You Note For Veteran's Day - 11/11/04 Terrors Anniversary - 10/29/03 All We Are Saying, Part 3 - 03/24/03 All We Are Saying, Part 2 - 03/17/03 All We are Saying, Part 1 - 03/12/03 Don't Burn My Flag! - 02/26/03 A Christmas Experience - 12/30/02 |
End of this presentation You may go to Home - Contact Us - Cold War Hist. - 91st SRS Hist. - Stardust 40 Mission Story |