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Recollections of an RB-29 crew in Japan
Preflight Gunnery
Left: Every crewmember had their individual preflight duties. Five had gunnery-related responsibilities. During the preflight, they pitched in as a team, with cooperation from the ground crew, checking out all turrets and gun-firing positions.
Right: Bob Weisburn, Photo Navigator and, also, the forward gun controller, checks out the upper forward turret. When all four of those 50 caliber guns were positioned right over your head, they made a roaring sound that was unforgettable.
Left: This view of aircraft and landscape always reminds me of the first time I ever saw a B-29. I was a budding aviation cadet on the athletic field at Lackland AFB. The B-29 was on final approach to Kelley AFB, and it was really close, just above me. It looked like “an aluminum cloud.”
Right: Dick Sniker, CFC Gunner, checks out his observation bubble. In a combat situation, he had the authority and equipment permitting him to transfer firepower from various turrets to the gunner of his choice.
Left:: Scanner/Gunner Ron Glowcheski checks out the lower turret. |
Above: Don Kleinkauf, gun station, checked and ready to help with the rest of the preflight checks.
Above: Sam Farley, Tail Gunner, loading ammo through the rear entrance door.

Above: Sam, and his helpers check and load the tail gun system.
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