A Celebration
of the
WW II P-51 Mustang
Story and Pictures

Editor's Introduction

As outlined in my own biographical notes, published in another location on this web site, my dream to become a P-51 fighter pilot during WW II was shattered when almost my entire graduating class, 44-K from Foster Field Texas, was diverted to B-29 Flight Engineer Training so I could qualify as a third pilot and a flight engineer on the B-29. While recently installing the remarkable art works of Philip Alexander on our web site, I quickly learned that he was obviously partial to the P-51 history, himself. From that point on, I have been searching for a WW II story that would permit us to combine words and images that would celebrate this remarkable aircraft — the P-51 Mustang.

Our friend Roy Kaden, author of our recently published story entitled The Story of The Soviet Franz Josef Land Overflight,” passed along the perfect story for our purposes. This P-51 story is told under different titles, among them “A Fighter Pilot,” “Thanks Luftwaffe,” and “The Hard Way Home.” Tracing the source as far back as I could pick up the trail, I believe this version originated from a “Flight Magazine” story, Summer of 1996 publication issue. This brought me in touch with a delightful lady by the name of Angela West, who is part of the staff of Stallion 51, located at Kissimmee Gateway Airport, Florida. Checking out their web site, I learned that they not only collect, preserve and fly restored WW II P-51s, they offer flight opportunities to the general public — for a fee of course. You can learn more about them by clicking on this Stallion 51 link.

So, after scouring the Internet for the additional illustrations needed, we are now ready to tell you the story of Bruce Carr and expose you to an initial taste of the art work of Philip Alexander. You can see more of his work, now around 300 images, by clicking on this link. Hope you enjoy this adventure of mind and eye almost as much as I have in composing its republication.

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