Bail Out Over China And The Long Walk Home The Story Chapter 4 Page 1 of 4 Pages April Diary Notes |
April 1: April Fools Day. Up at 6:30 - feel pretty good. Took two more sulphur pills. Slept well last night - did not get up. Ate small breakfast. Off at 7:45 and walked for 2-1/2 hours because the mules had to take the long route. Fine day - not too hot or cold. Mountain ridge very muddy - hard to walk. One pack mule slid on mountain and broke leg. We seemed to go up and down all day and I rode better than half the way. Took pictures and the General gave me a snap of himself. General was tossed in the river by his mule. Stopped for supper at 5:30 and got three boiled eggs because I had been sick. Others ate noodles. Fine village - clean rooms - first glass windows we have seen. Off again at 9 PM - travelled along edge of plains and crossed many river gullies. Rode all the time - dark - arrived at 1 AM. Long day - 17 hours and all are exhausted. They didn’t want us to take blanket off mules but we just had to. Dangerous area.
April 2: Awakened at 7 AM by horse hoofs on stone and hollering in court yard. Orderlies and Mr. Ma (interpreter) rushed in and told us to run - the Japs are here. Pulled on pants - grabbed gun and ran. All villagers and most of the soldiers were heading up the valley. Stopped twenty minutes out. Found out that Japs had surrounded a village a mile and a half away. They thought we were there. Farmer (guerrilla) got through and warned us. Waited a couple of hours then heard heavy machine guns and saw our men firing from the ridge of the mountain. Japs fled North and guerrilla went to ambush them. Several guerrilla wounded. Ate noodle soup and potatoes in valley then started out at 1 PM. Arrived dead tired at 7:30 after 65 Li. Bailed out two months ago today. Ate fine meal which was first decent meal I ate in four days. Feel OK now - have slight cold, cold sore, chapped lips, chapped nose. Teeth are slowly clearing up. No lice yet but others have so I expect them any day now. Only one cigarette in last three days. One last roll of film. To bed at 9:45.
Stopped for tea after 20 minutes, rode on and off till 7 PM then dismounted and walked for next 7-1/2 hours over mountains, snow, through rivers, etc. Overcast so we couldn’t see - got lost. Fell over cliff and was saved by donkey tail. Crossed railroad under bridge at 2:15 AM and everyone would have liked to blow up the bridge. Saw guerrilla stealing wire and sawing down pole. Rode all night - lost again. Got real cold about 4 AM - crossing road after dawn and saw Jap strong point and block house. Two fellows had runs all night and I am getting them now. Stopped at 11 - slept two hours - ate rice and spuds - (first meal in 24 hours) - off again at three - rode till 7:30 PM. Had tea, bullion, washed, slept from 8:30 till 11 PM then ate supper, a pretty good meal. To bed at 11:30. Found out that five Chinese guards led us across railroad - they had been put there by the Japs. Japs have best chance of catching us crossing railroads and rivers.
April 6: Up at 7 - breakfast - crossed Fen River - one hour stop for tea - arrived destination 4:30 after 80 Li. Valley all the way and rode all but one hour. It started to snow at 5 PM. Had fine meal for this is some sort of headquarters. Fine rack space. Fellows rave every day now about how they will enjoy good food. We are sweating out two boxes of rations at Gin Sui headquarters two days hence. To bed at 7 for it is too cold to stay up with nothing to do. End of Page 1 of 4 Pages, Chapter 4 Go to Cover Table of Contents Introduction Chapters 01 02 03 04 05 06 Atch. # 01 Or Go To Home - Contact Us - Cold War Hist. - 91st SRS Hist. - Stardust 40 Mission Story |