John C. Schumacher’s
Story of
WW II Shoot Down
and POW Experiences

Chapter 12

Afterthoughts and the AXPOW Organization

After saying good-bye to my service life, I chose to return to Little Falls, Minnesota, my most recent home town. Dealing with residual health problems, left over from my military experience, was an added challenge as I transitioned back into civilian life. While the physical and mental stress, accumulated during those challenging times, have been a part of my entire adult life, there have been many compensations. I have shared my life with a wonderful woman and together we have raised a fine family and we are currently striving to keep up with accumulating grandchildren.

I have been an active member of the AXPOW Organization for many years, attending a variety of area, state and national gatherings. My last personal contact with crew members included those illustrated in the photograph below, taken at the National AXPOW Reunion, held in Atlanta, in September, 1998.

Five of our crewmembers enjoyed a reunion in September of 1998.

L to R: Mario Dimeo, Radio Operator; Jim Moye, Pilot; Joe Roman, Gunner/A-Radio; Len Dumas, Gunner, Tail; and John Schumacher, Gunner/A-Engineer.

Participation in this organization has brought me to a more full realization that I had a lot of company in a variety of POW camps around the world in WW II. Beyond this, I have come to know a variety of POWs from later conflicts. Some of my crewmates, illustrated above, have since passed on, as we all will at our appointed time.

There is an additional chapter that adds important, related, information to my story. It is the “Testimony of Dr. Leslie Caplan regarding Mistreatment of American POW’s at Stalag Luft IV”. I encourage you to take time to review this information.

I am proud to have served in the U.S. AAC in World War II. This framed record of ribbons, medals and insignia (see below) are part of the decorations of our home, reminding me daily of this brief, challenging, traumatic chapter of my life.

Service medals include: American Theater, EAME Ribbon with 6 Battle Stars,
Good Conduct, Purple Heart, Air Medal, Distinguished Unit Badge
and Victory Medal.

If you would like to learn more about the AXPOW organization, I have provided some Internet addresses to assist you.

The mailing address for the National Headquarters of the AXPOW Organization is:


3201 E. Pioneer Parkway

Suite 40

Arlington, TX

Fax: 817-649-0109


Internet Address:

We exist to help those who cannot help themselves
Our Nation has found it necessary for our service men and women to be
participants in a number of conflicts, however they have been labeled,
that have brought injury, death and imprisonment to new generations
of our citizens. As the Cold War was formally closed out, we now find
ourselves dealing with a yet new form of conflict that is labeled
“Terrorisim”. So the challenges continue. While we hope and
pray for peace in this world, there is good reason for us to
once again band together in defense of our Nation and
the uncounted and deserving people
in need around the World.

Peace be with you and those you love.

The John C. Schumacher Family

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