The Life and Death of Tiger Lil
by Wayland Mayo

Aircrew Experiences on Tiger Lil — Chapter 2

Page 2 of 2 Pages

Finally we had put in 25 missions, and the Air Force sent us to the Yamanaka Hotel at the base of Mt. Fuji for a week of R&R. It was a much needed chance to relax and rest up.

Wayland proudly paints the 25th mission on Tiger Lil, Yokota, 1950.

Tiger Lil crew at Tachikawa train station waiting to go to Yamanaka Hotel for R & R, 1950

Upon our return to base, we were assigned a new Aircraft Commander, Captain Torrey. He was a first class pilot and crew commander. With 25 missions under our belt it did not seem possible we could fly another 25 without something happening. We accomplished the missions in what seemed like an eternity, and then one day it was all over. We made it, Tiger Lil had taken us on 50 missions, each 10 to 11 hours long. It was time to return to the U.S.

Our new A/C, Capt. Torrey

Page 2 of 2 Pages, Chapter 2 — Go to Chapter 3

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Chapt. 2Chapt. 3

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