The Life and Death of Tiger Lil
by Wayland Mayo

The Death of Tiger Lil — Chapter 3

Page 2 of 2 Pages


7 Nov. 1954. A USAF RB-29 Reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by Soviet fighters flown by pilots Kostin and Seberyakov, near Hokkaido Island in northern Japan. The plane, carrying a crew of eleven, was conducting routine photographic reconnaissance near Hokkaido and the southern most of the Kurile Islands.

The plane was attacked and seriously damaged, forcing the crew to bail out. Ten crewmen were successfully rescued after landing in the sea; however the eleventh man drowned when he became entangled in his parachute lines after landing

Another report sent to me by Jess Richey of the 98th Bomb Group said the Russians claimed the RB-29 entered Soviet airspace and fired on them. They returned fire shooting down the American plane. The U.S. claims they were not over Soviet territory and the Migs fired first.

Maxwell research reported that Tiger Lil in Aug. 54 was assigned to the 6007th Composite Group, at Yokota. This comparatively unknown unit was apparently part of the 91st.

I would like to thank Jess Richey and Archie Difante for solving a problem I carried with me for 50 years.

Wayland Mayo

If you would like to learn more about the MiG-15 you will find it by clicking on this URL, located at the USAF Museum, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio
[Editors note: Wayland Mayo has two other stories located on this web site that are well worth reading. You may access his autobiographical notes by clicking here and you may access important information on the aerial mapping process by clicking here. Use your back button to return.]

End of Page 2 of 2 Pages, Chapter 3 — End of Story

Cover PageIntro/Table of ContentsChapt. 1
Chapt. 2Chapt. 3

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